Once upon a time there was a superhero named Captain Underpants and his sidekick Agent A .The evil Bod was the chicken stealer .We were at school and saw him out the window .We blew bubbles that changed our suites .Then we got out the big shrink ray ,and shrunk him and put him in a jar .We took him to jail .Know all the chickens are safe , and the village is normal . The End
Monthly Archives: March 2018
Moving west for land
If I was moving west i would have a cattle driver so i can take food ,supplies just like a pioneer . I would put my food in a root cellar .one day my wagons wheel got broken from a huge rock and we flipped over on the trail on a back road , and we meet a cowboy in town and he took us to to his ranch and fixed the wheel and handed us some tools incase the wheel bakes again.So we headed back down the trails and we heard a loud noise it was thunder it started raining really hard and the thunder almost hit the wagon .So when we got to are new home we were surprise it was so big and the yard had a boomtown of trees ,and plants . And we meet Daniel Boonie and some American folk and became friends with them THE END
Thomous Jefferson
He left congress that same year to serve Virginia
The continental congress that adopted the Declaration
Religious freedom as Virginia legislator
Declaration of Independece
Thomas Jefferson
Winning cilver war
Play for protecting their empire
He became united states minster to France
Colonial separation,a strong federal government under new constitution